Blessed by choice

I have been blessed with choice this weekend and shown that there is beauty and darkness in choice.

I have a good choice to make.

But it has paralyzed me. I dont want to make the wrong one, or do wrong by others.

After talking to a learned friend I realised that sometimes the reason some choices put in front of us, are not the real reason they are there.

I realised today that my choice is not just to accept a new role or to stay where I am.

It’s much, much more then that.

It’s a choice between loyalty and newness.

It’s a choice between family or work.

It’s a choice between what’s right in my gut and what seems ok.

It’s a choice between intuition and logic.

It’s a huge choice that after talking to many only I can make.

While pondering this the best questions I heard were:

Why is this important to you?

A great question for any decision or negotiation.

What made you not immediately just say yes?

Another point that made me ponder my own pattern.

and finally…

What do you want? Not anyone else just you. Because it is your choice. You have to live with it.

I have pondered the last one for a while and realised what I want.

I want family time.

I want less stress.

I want to be free to be flexible.

I want to see my kids and my fiancee and my friends.

I want a life. A beautiful big full life!

I’ll let you figure out what I did and leave you to ponder this.

The fundamental truth is the only thing we have to do is breath.

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